Tag Archives: lost dog

Peanut and Deke Collins, The Electrician

Peanut and Deke Collins the Electrician

PEANUT! You scared us! when I returned home from work, the deck gate was wide open and you did not come when I called for you. I was devastated.  Where is my Peanut?…I was visualizing life without you for a split second and it was just too painful so I continued to call your name. Peanut! I noticed the screen door was open and when I reached for the door it was unlocked. Hmmmm. I opened the door and noticed the toilet seat was up in the bathroom. Who’s been using the toilet? Oh Peanut, I know you are smart but you don’t use the toilet. And then you came running to me from the bedroom. Oh Peanut. Thank you God! I yelled “Hello?” “Hello.” I heard nothing but NPR on the radio which I left on while I was at work and the jingle of Peanut’s metal tags on his collar. Then I heard someone walking up the stairs. It was Deke Collins, the electrician who has been doing work on the house the past couple weeks. He looked a little rattled. He greeted Peanut first. I asked him where his van was. It wasn’t in the lot when I came home. He said he had been out searching for Peanut. He thought he had escaped while he was on the deck and in the house. I told him I found him in the house. Deke looked so relieved and gave Peanut a good pat. Peanut was clueless about how valuable and loved his little Self is.


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